How to pledge

The Pledge invites all companies to invest, innovate and work with donors and development agencies to change the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed. It is an opportunity for companies and investment funds to align their investments with new evidence and commitments by donors, governments, and global institutions towards SDG 2.


Any company can sign the pledge provided they accept the conditions and guiding principles of the Pledge:

  • The company must make a financial commitment in at least one of ten high-impact intervention areas.
  • The company must make the investment in at least one of the ninety priority countries or regions.
  • The company must name the partners it will work with to achieve the action.
  • The company agrees to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  • The company also commits to uphold internationally accepted principles.
  • The company should be able to report on the implementation of its pledge.


The Pledge screening process 



This FAQ and guidance answers questions for companies about the Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge (the Pledge) and is designed to assist companies and investment funds to fill in and understand the commitments to be made in the pledge. It should be read alongside the sample pledge. The Pledge commits companies to align their investments with new evidence and commitments by donors, governments and global institutions, to end hunger and nourish the future.

Deciding whether to pledge

Practical Issues

Institutional & Governance Issues

Download the FAQ and Guidance Document: