Launch of first accountability report
The Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge will unveil the results from its first-ever accountability report during an online event on Wednesday, 22 November from 15h00-16h00 CET.
The report, entitled From Pledge to Action: Assessing progress of the Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge and pledging companies towards SDG 2, tracks and verifies pledges valued over USD 1 million to determine whether they have been fulfilled.
The event will include a presentation by Walk the Talk Consultancy, the independent consultants who undertook the report on behalf of the Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge, who will detail the results. The event will also showcase how some companies and their partners have implemented their pledge projects and look ahead based on the lessons learnt.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Manuela Moollan, Walk the Talk Consultancy
Sharon Jean Gonzales-Gulmatico, General Manager, Morination Agricultural Products
David Baguma, Team Lead in Uganda for the EWS Transfer Knowledge Foundation
Bongki Engel, Senior Public Affairs Manager at Arla Foods Ingredient
Chola Mfula, Acting Head of Private Sector, Investment and Agri-business Unit with the Directorate of Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sustainability of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)
Lawrence Haddad, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (pre-recorded video)
The event will be jointly moderated by Lysiane Lefebvre and Carin Smaller from the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate.